Underground Spirits Ad Crescendum var.Infusionem Native Gin

Underground Spirits Ad Crescendum var.Infusionem Native Gin
Continuing our collaboration with the Australian National Botanic Gardens, we introduce to you Ad Crescendum var Infusionem Native Gin. An uniquely Australian experience, this gin was born from a need to further discover the abundance of local botanicals grown in conservation at the Gardens. In search of other botanicals and how they can create a new flavour. With the help of horticulturist for the gardens, Underground Spirits set out to learn even more about amazing botanicals, the conditions where they grow and thrive and their traditional uses in Indigenous culture. This time the inspiration came from brewing botanicals, and what has been done for centuries, and learnt by europeans arriving in Australia as well. This expressive gin serves as testament to the long held artistry of infusion. To amplify this, and the collection’s kaleidoscope of diversity, for this mixture we selected and expertly combined johnsons grass tree (xanthorrhoea johnsonii), rose myrtle (rhodomyrtus tomentosa), white correa (correa alba), wombat berry (eustrephus latifolius), goodinea (goodinea), white birch (betula pendula), manuka myrtle (leptospermum scoparium), lemon aspen (cronychia acidula), native pennyroyal mint (mentha satureioides) evincing the wondrous aromas that this gin so beautifully orchestrates.
40% ABV | 500 mL